
yes: fast replies, interests, asking to be moots

no: drama, triggers, dms, nsfw

triggers: hospital stuff, sa, grooming, certain ships

before you follow i’m in a few “problematic communities” but i don’t really interract with them just have the subjects as hyperfixations, i may need tonetags, please tell me if im doing something wrong first instead of making a thread or something, also please tell me if im followimg a bad person

do not interract basic dni, nsfw accounts, proshippers, toyakasa/kaeluc shippers, younger than 13, ex friends

(anime) bsd, kny, mha, aggrestsuko, danganronpa, lucky star, future diary, dragon maid, assasination classroom, spy x family, tbhk, madoka magica, shadow house
(games) pjsk, hsr, genshin, danganronpa (+ fangans), pokemon, minecraft, crk, yttd, helltaker, ddlc, undertale/deltarune, yansim(?), fnf, kindergarten, ace attorney
(other) art, animation, editting, disney, pixar, dreamworks, studio ghibli, piano, idols, vtubers, needle felting, geography, biology, languages, asian cultures, history, vocaloid, hunger games, gumball, powerpuff girls, gravity falls